Programmatic Orders
- Programmatic Orders: Docs for programmatic orders
- Examples:
- TWAP is live in CoW Swap to be used with a Gnosis Safe: See https://swap.cow.fi/#/1/advanced/WETH?tab=open&page=1
- TWAP: Time-weighted average price. Very similar to DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging). You sell a big amount of a token in smaller chunks over time, achieving smaller price impact and de-risking price swings by getting the average price over time.
- Good after time: Place an order that only becomes active at a specific future time
- Perpetual Stable Swaps: Trade stablecoins forever at a favourable price (1:1 or more)
- Trade above threshold: trades whenever its balance of a certain token exceeds a target threshold
- https://cow.fi/careers: Open positions
- Also, we are looking for a front-end or full-stack engineer to work in CoW Swap (not listed above)
- CoW Docs: Learn more about CoW Swap and all other products of CoW DAO
- Discord: Do you have questions or want to hang out with other CoWs?